The Japanese text is followed by machine translated English text.
生徒さん達は、翻訳学校で「プロ翻訳者として求められること」を教えられていないため、以下のような生徒さんが応募してきます。「Trados が必要なら購入します。しかしその購入代金を支払ってほしい」等を主張する人達です。
[Machine translated English text]
A translation school is hosting a joint translation trial. This translation trial is for current students. Several translation companies participate in this translation trial. The pass rate is extremely low.
Below are some of my suggestions.
1) You should teach "what you need as a professional translator" at a translation school.
Since the students are not taught at the translation school what they need to be a professional translator, the following students apply. Those who insist that "I want to buy Trados if I need it, but I want you to pay for it".
The above applicant will not be a professional translator.
2) Science classes should be held at translation schools
The translation school advertises that you can become a patent translator without knowledge of science. My opinion is that even if you do not have scientific expertise, you can become a patent translator if you have a degree of understanding equivalent to a “National Center Test for University Admissions”. But unless you have scientific knowledge, you can't translate patents. "
* From our professional point of view, “You can become a patent translator without knowledge of science” is just a sales talk for translation schools to gather students (sorry).
I think you should do a science class at a translation school. I am sure that students will be pleased. Students will also realize that their translations are much better.
I want to support young people who are going to enter the translation industry. I really think so. You should start a lecture on “what you need as a professional translator” and “knowledge of science” at a translation school. If this is the case, the students' dreams may come closer to realization.
If you are applying to our company (if you wish), please do your best!
ご存知ですか?機械翻訳だけでは翻訳できないことを(短縮版)| 特許翻訳チャンネル
Did you know that machine translation alone cannot translate? Machine translation is said to drastically reduce translation costs. However, only a few users have succeeded in reducing costs. Why is that?
* The above is machine-translated from JA to EN.
残念ながら過去の翻訳実績は評価対象外です。| 特許翻訳チャンネル
Unfortunately, past translation performance is not subject to evaluation.
Whether or not to include the translation results in the resume was a hot topic. I will write about that point.
In conclusion, we have not evaluated the applicant's translation performance. There are other items to evaluate. For this reason, we do not place importance on translation results.
When evaluating, we use our own evaluation method. That is the most reliable evaluation method.
Those who have passed the document screening using that method have passed the trial with a very high probability.
* Today's blog post was translated from Japanese to English using machine translation.
法務・知財EXPOの無料招待券差し上げます| 特許翻訳チャンネル
名称:法務・知財 EXPO
We will exhibit at the Legal and Intellectual Property Expo. To participate in this exhibition, you need to pay an admission fee of 5000 yen. We will give you a free invitation ticket if you wish. If you wish, please contact us from the contact information in the description below.
Inquiry email:info(at)mktranslationfirm.com
* Today's blog post was translated from Japanese to English using machine translation.
機械翻訳コンサルタントとしてのお仕事(1時間で230ドル)をしました!| 特許翻訳チャンネル
I worked as a machine translation consultant for the first time! I received an offer from an agent. As a reward, I was offered $ 230 per hour! If you are a professional interpreter, these fees may not be surprising.
But after all, I talked about less than 30 minutes, so it was reduced to $ 120. Furthermore, since the remittance fee from overseas is charged, the actual deposit amount will be around $ 100.
I would like to thank the client. I wish I could answer all the questions.
But why was telephone consultation in this era? Anyone can set up an online meeting ...
* Today's blog post was translated from Japanese to English using machine translation.
トライアル料金って何回目まで適用する?| 特許翻訳チャンネル
MK Translation Firm が配信する特許翻訳セミナーです。本動画では、生産性効率化、機械翻訳、人工知能、翻訳テクノロジー等について議論します。
Patent translation seminar distributed by MK Translation Firm. In this video, we will discuss productivity efficiency, machine translation, artificial intelligence, translation technology, etc.
* Today's blog post was translated from Japanese to English using machine translation.
MK Translation Firm が配信する特許翻訳セミナーです。本動画では、生産性効率化、機械翻訳、人工知能、翻訳テクノロジー等について議論します。
Patent translation seminar distributed by MK Translation Firm. In this video, we will discuss productivity efficiency, machine translation, artificial intelligence, translation technology, etc.
When evaluating the quality of trial translation, two to three people will evaluate. If more than half of them evaluate the quality of the translation as poor, the translator automatically fails. Our minimum passing score is 90 points. In addition to the score, we are also evaluating whether we can deal with the translator as a vendor.
Note) The text was translated from Japanese to English by machine translation.
MK Translation Firm が配信する特許翻訳セミナーです。本動画では、生産性効率化、機械翻訳、人工知能、翻訳テクノロジー等について議論します。
Patent translation seminar distributed by MK Translation Firm. In this video, we will discuss productivity efficiency, machine translation, artificial intelligence, translation technology, etc.
At WeWork Namba and WeWork Midosuji Frontier, there are frequent messages to people who smoke in non-smoking areas and who don't put the cup back in place. I think this is because there are many young people, there are people who don't know the rules, and there are guests from outside. I just want to say this. Company management is impossible for people who cannot follow these office rules. If you move into WeWork, you can't start a business automatically or be listed. Some people leave. Investors also observe details. Some investors judge by looking at things that are more detailed than the results. The same goes for bank loan officers. The same applies to clients. No one buys goods or services from a company that cannot follow the rules.
Note) The text was translated from Japanese to English by machine translation.
* Today's blog post was translated from Japanese to English using machine translation.
* Today's blog post was translated from Japanese to English using machine translation.
MK Translation Firm が配信する特許翻訳セミナーです。本動画では、生産性効率化、機械翻訳、人工知能、翻訳テクノロジー等について議論します。
私、弊社スタッフ、翻訳者さんの3名で打ち合わせしました。3時間も!複数のクライアントのマニュアルの説明、CATツールの説明、今後のスケジュール、料金の説明等。WeWork のルールのため、私がずっと同席しなければならないため動けず。北新地ドッグを食べながら、コーヒーを飲みながら打ち合わせを行いました。普通は、フリーランサーさんに対してこれほど長い間、打ち合わせはしないのですが、この方がブランクがあって1年ぶりぐらいに仕事を始めるということだったのでじっくり時間を取りました。分からないことはなんでも聞いて下さいねと伝えました。来週には、翻訳者さんは、大阪を離れて東京に引っ越すそうです。そのため今週しか時間がありませんでした。でも十分な時間を取って打ち合わせする機会を設けることができてよかったです。
Patent translation seminar distributed by MK Translation Firm. In this video, we will discuss productivity efficiency, machine translation, artificial intelligence, translation technology, etc.
I had a meeting with my staff and a translator. 3 hours! Explanation of manuals for multiple clients, explanation of CAT tools, future schedule, price explanation, etc. I can't move because I have to be there because of the rules of WeWork. We had a meeting with drinking coffee while eating Kitashinchi dog. Normally, I haven't had a meeting with a freelancer for such a long time, but I had a lot of time because I had a blank and started working for the first time in a year. I told you to ask me anything you do n’t understand. Next week, the translator will leave Osaka and move to Tokyo. So I only had time this week. But it was nice to have enough time to have a meeting.
* Today's blog post was translated from Japanese to English using machine translation.
投稿 (Atom)
書類選考+トライアルにいかにすれば落ちるかについて書いてみたい。巷ではこうすれば合格する!的な記事が多い中、真逆の発想である(笑)。 書類選考に落ちるためには、正直コツがある。以下に列挙したい。 募集要項を読まない。 他社の仕事をサンプルとして加工もなにもせずそのま...